It's been a long time since I started selling this uncle's video. Time flows faster as you age. It’s a day, and it feels like a couple of days for a week. This is how we get older and die in no time. Can I be satisfied just before I die? do you think he's survived? Do you regret what you have left behind, and feel the undesirable regrets and slow despair than your regrets? In that sense, I might be doing something while helping my uncle. It is true that he is responsible for one of the crimes, but I would like to make it a little more useful to the world. An uncle called me when I thought such a thing. Some of them are selling videos imitating uncle's crime. It's what we call a pakri. His uncle was yelling. It is no exaggeration to say that he was furious. I'm afraid of anger outside the base, but when I listened to it carefully, I said, "You don't have to imitate me and give me a license." That means money. My uncle has no aesthetics for making things. It's just a business. It's the same as those who are pissed off. I told my uncle that he was going to sue for copyright infringement. Is there any copyright in such an erotic video (like garbage) in the first place? I don't have a face, so even if I get caught or knocked off, I look fine. There’s been a lot of fuss about the Olympic logo and tangled poster traces, but no one is going to be upset by porn videos. That means there is no copyright. I don’t think that there is any copyright for both the people who make it and the people who watch it. That's why the internet is full of illegal downloads and pirated DVDs are on the way.